I have not been sleeping enough lately. And this has caused me to have another bout of pimple breakout. Sigh.....

A journey to learn about myself...
Posted by Shirz at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Symphomania, work life
My dept went out for a media blitz on thurs and fri. In the process of preparing the goodies hamper, a lot of things didn't go well. In a way, my dept seems to become a "hate" target to the other depts. The blitz on thurs went ok.......think "ok" is an understatement.
Friday was worse. There was a last minute photoshoot and my boss told us that we had to leave later than planned. When we finally left office it was 4pm plus. We left first to load the items at receiver's end first and waited for my boss to come. By then, it was like 4.45pm and we had a long list of people to give out the goodies to. Luckily, mu boss called majority of the journalists to meet downstairs to receive the goodies. We finished about 6pm, pretty late already and I want to rush back to office to send out an urgent email. But my boss actually wanted to meet this journalist for a drink and me and my colleagues had no choice but to follow. Reached office about 7 plus and I quickly sent out my email and left for band practice. I thought I was late but turned out my conductor was sick so the band played the entire repertoire on our own by listening for practice. It was such a sucky day. I really don't like my job. The working relationship in my dept sucks. The company sucks.
When practice ended, I hanged around and they prepared a birthday cake for the January babies. It was a chocolate banana cake from Secret Recipe, really yummy. So for those of you who are looking for a nice birthday cake, consider this one from secret recipe. Chatted for a while with Da as we ate our cake. The way he talks is always in a humorous and joking manner. Seems like a happy-go-lucky person.....Hanged around bandroom for a longer while until everyone finally bothered to leave. We went to Alps Cafe for a drink (because I wanted to...haha). We ordered white wine and some food. This time, I did eat. Tim asked me a funny question, like whether i will like someone who is shorter than me. Which I think is impossible because I am already very short.........and do I want to get married by the age of 30. Yes, I want to get married by the age of 30.....funny questions...and he said at my wedding the band or a small ensemble could play something for me, but not el camino real. And I told him I would probably set aside 5 tables for symphonia....Craps! too much wine.....
I got drunk again this time......sigh....I have a low tolerance for alcohol. I get drunk most of the time (like 9 out of 10 times whenever I go clubbing or drinking) and would need assistance to get me home.....haha...so as we left Alps Cafe, I was feeling drunk already....walked around outside the cafe as the others were deciding whether to go home or go somewhere....I took a few sips of water, breathed deeply hoping to feel better...but it didnt and I sat down at the table. Lulu thought I was feeling sian.....the guys came over and told me to go home, saying after concert is over, we will go cheong.....so I said ok.....stood up, walked a few steps and I knew it. Turned around to look at mel and told him I need to leave immediately. Sy came to joined us and we took the cab. I was feeling terrible and threw up in the cab into a plastic bag. Luckily mel and sy were with me. Sorry guys, I troubled you both again.....
Had a hangover till the next day.....I was feeling tired and had a throbbing head. But I still went out as I didn't want to stay home. Met Yh and 3sa for movie....Assasination of Jesse James is a really slow movie........zzzzzzz......
After the movie, we headed to the temple. I offered some jossticks and then went in to draw a lot. I couldn't remember the exact rules but I only managed to get a lot on the 5th attempt. So I'm not sure if this is accurate. First 3 attempts, the pair of red disk landed on the same side so the lot doesn't count. The 4th attempt, 2 lots dropped out so I think this doesn't count either. Finally got a lot on the 5th try. Well its a bad lot. I guessed when you are down on your luck, everything goes wrong. Basically the lot says that whatever ways I try, I will end up in a dead end. Also some misfortune might befall on me and my family. Of cos I take all these with a pinch of salt. It might mean something else so my gut feel tells me to just act more cautiously for the next few months, especially in my career. The gals told me not to think too much but somehow, its like a sign to me. I keep feeling uneasy these days.....hope I am wrong.
Lj arrived shortly after we left the temple. As we crossed over to Bugis Junction, I saw a huge group of people waiting in the middle of the road for the opposite traffic light to turn green. I guess everyone knows the traffic light between Bugis Junction and Bugis Pasar Malam. So when there are a LOT of people crossing this road, a huge chunk will get jammed in the middle as they wait for the opposite traffic light. And because there are barricades, people can't cross freely over. Terrible traffic design. We gave up waiting and walked along the grassy pavement to the other traffic light that crosses to California Fitness. LTA should do something to that traffic light because when its very crowded (esp weekends and its CNY shopping period), lots of people will just get stuck in the middle.
We went to starbucks for a drink and 3sa met her ex there and started to get gan cheong as her bf will be coming later. We kept assuring her that it is nothing and she need not feel bad.so funny....I passed the concert stall ticket to lj and only know later that yh and the others bought circle seats. Ooops....think I will try to make a swop for him on concert day....
Yh and I then went to meet suz and YA for dinner at NYDC. i have not ate there for a long time and noticed that their menu do not have meat main course. Its mostly pastas, pizzas, sandwiches and desserts. We actually sat there till about 11pm. Yh and suz had this sell your friend application on Facebook. Sounded so interesting....think I will go check it out. But only after I clean up my facebook. Got too many applications and its really really slow.....or maybe its my computer that is slow......duh....
5 days to Ay Caramba
1 Feb Victoria Concert Hall 7.30pm
27 Jan 2007 5.35pm
Posted by Shirz at 4:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ordinary, Reel Feel, Symphomania, work life
So tired.........
I am so tired of complaining about my boss. She did it again today. As usual, giving vague instructions, expecting us to understand what she wants and then blame us when things went wrong. She assumes a lot of things. I think all the other depts in my company hate my dept now because of her "assumptions".
But then again, I started to think whether there is anything wrong with me. I had an unexpected meeting today. I called it unexpected because I thought I would never meet this person. And after the meeting, I thought to myself what I have been doing for the past 2 years since I graduated. Am I expecting too much out of my life, my career and my relationship with my family and friends?
WorK. Well this is my 4th job now. Came into this job because I wanted more challenges and a higher pay. Think it was a peer pressure because my fellow school friends (esp those in the finance and accountany major) were being paid higher than me. Being a fresh marketing major graduate with so-so results do not get paid that well back then. But I managed to find a job. Pay sucks but at least I was not starving. Now I got a bettter paying job but the working relationship sucks. The communication process sucks. But then again, am I doing anything to improve the situation or am I running away? I am starting to think that maybe I have been running away from all the problems and not sucking it up and stick through it that made me unhappy. And then came the decision to change job. But then again, when do you come to a point and know that the job just doesn't suit you and whatever you do will not improve the situation? And the better choice would be to leave and seek greener pastures. Or am I actually afraid of challenges? Am I being picky at work due to tasks that I am not supposed to do or was taken granted for doing? I think there need to be a balance between real work and redundant work. Not sure if my current pasture is green and sweet. I think I should chew on it and see how it taste like......after a while........tolerence goes a long way I guess....
Relationship with Family and Friends: This one is tough man.......I know who my best buddies and close friends are because they were there for me when I was down (you people know who you are!!!:) ) They offered me wise advice and showed me the direction when I was lost. Relationship with my family is not that close. I may appear nonchalant about them but deep inside, i care about them. Love relationship....I guess I leave it for later......
Life: I think all the above sums up my life. Currently I'm feeling really lost now. I really don't know what to do. I am not sure if I like my job but I think maybe I can try to think less negatively and more positively and try to see if I can do anything to improve the situation. In any workplace there are bound to be problems. Sometimes when we try too hard, we won't get what we want. When we stop trying, things might improve on its own. So I think let nature runs it course. If its meant to be, its meant to be.......
Hopefully I will get to meet up with that unexpected person again. Things might change.......if not, so be it.
Band pracitce for the past two days were ok.....still trying to gel everything together. I need to work harder for el camino real and the other pieces....
9 days to Ay Caramba.......so tired.....band, work, band, work..........I think I'm going to be sick...: (
23 Jan 2008 9.56pm
Posted by Shirz at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ordinary, relationship, work life
Friday started off pretty standard. Usual problems at work.....my boss didn't inform us of an event the evening before. Ended up the important pple asked where we were, why no one was present to take pictures and they mentioned they informed my boss personally. Me and my colleagues were like ????? Later during the day, my boss had a talk with my colleague behind closed door. Later on, I was told by my colleague not to ask her any questions if I need help or information but to go to my colleagues instead. Never ask my boss 'cos she is busy. What is the hell is that!! I really don't get it why she can't tell me things face-too-face but uses a send-the-messenger method. Sigh....si beh sianz......(hokkien phrase,a chinese dialect. usually to describe a sitaution whereby a person feels very frustrated or upset about)
Posted by Shirz at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ordinary, Reel Feel, Symphomania, work life
Posted by Shirz at 9:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ordinary, Symphomania, work life
Posted by Shirz at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Posted by Shirz at 1:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: Symphomania, work life
Posted by Shirz at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Yesterday was another bad day at work. In the end, my boss asked my assistant to help me with press release as she is more familiar with the format and I felt so bad.
I went for band practice anyway despite feeling down. Met cher and ei and for dinner. Only me and L were present in my section. I was still feeling a bit pissed with him. He insisted on playing the important parts in el camino real. That really upset me even more. He did improve over the months but never once have I heard him reach a high F comfortably. That is why I am having doubts over him playing the parts but he don't seem to realise it, thinking he is doing fine and will do well with time. Problem is, we don't have time. Lately I realised that the best player or the next better player should play the solo in order to put up a good performace and not necessarily to prove that you can do it.
During break time, ed came over and said that i seemed to have shrunk, meaning that I lost weight. Well, a lot of people have been telling me that lately. When I went for my medical check up two weeks ago, i weighed at 48kg. I have not been below the 50 mark for the past 12 years. Not sure if this is a good thing.....
Poured my heart out to cher after practice as the whole day has been so sucky and I started thinking again. sigh......I need to be stronger. And then it rained heavily. spent money to take cab back...arrgh!
Today was a better day. I managed to finish some work at the office and finally sent the newsletter to print. Yeah!
22 days to Ay Caramba.....
9 Jan 2008 10.00pm
Posted by Shirz at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: Symphomania, work life
Posted by Shirz at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ordinary, relationship
Posted by Shirz at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ordinary, Symphomania
Posted by Shirz at 12:04 PM 3 comments
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Posted by Shirz at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Posted by Shirz at 12:00 PM 0 comments
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Posted by Shirz at 12:00 PM 0 comments
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Posted by Shirz at 11:59 AM 0 comments
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Posted by Shirz at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: relationship
I was at symphomania chalet over the weekend. Work on Friday was sianz....stress because there are so much things to be done and I couldn't finish it. To add it up, some rude customer called up, wanting to unsubscribe from the email alerts. I understand his fustrations, but that customer need not be so rude at all cos he actually used the f word at me. Some people just doesn't understand how difficult it is to manage customers and take service quality for granted. we are humans who have feelings too. stupid damm customer!
anyway, although my day at work sucked, i still head off to the chalet after work. The bbq already started when we got there. everyone just hang around eating and talking. they attempted to have a mambo night, with average response but it was fun and there were drinks. however, some of them drank too much and even drove a car out to get some beer. obviously we tried to stop them but to avail. Luckily they made it back safely but the guys still stayed outside talking loudly and we were worried that the security guard would come round again. i played mahjong till 530am with cheryl, meroy and sunny. i didnt even bother to wait for my hair to dry and went to sleep immediately after shower. poor cheryl and me had to sleep on a mattress laid out on the floor because the guys took all the beds....sigh...
i slept till 12 plus in the afternoon and everyone was gone for convocation rehearsals or CIP except congmin. so there was only me, derek and congmin when i woke up. sunny later came back and he bought lunch for us, his treat. so nice of him! after lunch, we head off to changi village to get food for the evening bbq. we came back and tidied the place up a little. as i mopped the floor, the guys from next door came over to move the table bench back to their side and said our friends scolded his sis in law last night? well, we don't know that actually happened but its not surprising if it was true, since they were drunk and talking quite loud. sigh.....i went off for a swim on my own after that. the pool was crowded but i kept to the side as i don't swim very well. a little scared of deep waters. but it was relaxing to laze at the side and looked at the sky with the white clouds floating around. I actually intend to go home on the afternoon, but i decided to stay to have fun with them. After all, its the first symphonia chalet, how could i miss it?!
there were not as much pple at the bbq tha the previous night. but still, the company was great. mr glosz came and we had a cake (courtesy of sunny) to celebrate our past performances like grand opening, camaleonte and our gold award from NBC! everyone put on the new symphonia tshirt and took pictures. the current exco did a photo collage for us alumni and it was a real touching gesture. i love it so much! around midnight we went bowling, came back, walked to the cycling tracks to feel the sea breeze and sat down talking crap, thinking of funny connotations with our names, helped paolo brainstorm for his project idea...haha....people stared at us as we walked around wearing our new tshirts, wondering who we are. a guy at the bowling alley even stopped congmin and asked him about us, where we got our shirts from...haha....good job charles!
i went to sleep shortly after we came back from the walk, too tired to do anything. in the middle of the night, i caught a glimpse of them doing something to paolo, which i later learnt they were putting tape on his legs, trying to pull off his leg hair.....haha....woke up in the morning and saw that no one was around, except sunny sleeping in his bed. they came back and we checked out. headed to whitesands for mac breakfast and then it was home sweet home. the chalet has been fun, although i feel that it could do with more people around.....i love symphonia....
10/8/2006 9.52pm
Posted by Shirz at 11:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: Symphomania
Posted by Shirz at 11:55 AM 0 comments
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Posted by Shirz at 11:55 AM 0 comments
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Posted by Shirz at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Posted by Shirz at 11:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ordinary, Symphomania
Posted by Shirz at 11:51 AM 0 comments
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