Well, its only been a week of work at my new job but somehow I don't feel a sense of belonging? Is it because I am just a contract staff? I'm not sure about that but I don't regret leaving my previous company. Although the workload is heavy here, I like the job scope better. The work environment is not very friendly. People here are not generous with their smiles even when I offered mine. The higher level staff seem to get grumpy or irritated easily. There was this senior whom I approached regarding an external merchant whom we tied up with for a giveaway promotion. There were several emails exchanged between the client and us and I needed this senior staff to update me whether a promotion mechanic that the external partner wants to insert into a writeup is in or not. Her answer wasn't clear, just told me to tell the merchant that we will look into it. And when I emailed her a gentle reminder, she replied back angrily, telling me to stop choking her email and already said she will put in the promotion mechanic but won't let the merchant to proofread. She was being a bit rude but since she is a senior, I decided to ignore it and just email her whenever its necessary. I wasn't sure why she found this whole matter so irritating but if she could just state clearly in the first place on the procedure to handle external partners on joint promotions or simply an answer whether to put in the promotion mechanic, I wouldn't bother her too much. I only felt it was right to reply the external merchant as they sponsored the giveaway prizes. Maybe I still have not understand the culture of the company and might have stepped on the toes of others. Sigh....guess I just need time to get used to the new place and not let minor setbacks affect me. I am trying to cultivate a positive attitude towards everything now. I wonder whether I have impressed my manager so far. Till now, I still feel a bit surprise that she offered me the job. I was wondering whether she employed me because she couldn't find any other replacements?
Cher left for Italy on wed and many of us went to send her off. She was busy talking and taking photos with everyone. We didn't get to have a heart-to-heart talk lately as she was busy preparing for this exchange trip. A bit sad that she won't be around for the next few months. Everyone bade farewell and took one last group photo before she checked in. We waved goodbye till she was out of sight.
Went to catch Wall-E on thursday. It was a funny and endearing movie. Besides showing how determine Wall-e is in saving Eva and the adventure along the way, there was also a side message that the movie was telling. If we don't protect Earth now, we might end up losing it and ourselves and perhaps living artificially in a world that is only about entertainment and nothing else.There were quite a number of freshies at friday's band practice. The recruitment this year seems pretty good and a lot of the freshies actually hanged out with the group after practice. I didn't feel like drinking and didn't had dinner (I left office late as I was rushing an assignment for my manager. Hope I did it according to what she needs) before practice. A few of them also wanted to have supper so win, lu, ady, faz and I walked to a food centre near bugis to eat. Then we went to chijmes to look for them. Win was telling us jokes that made lu and myself laughed so much. The way she tells jokes is really funny. But sometimes, I feel really old or "out" as I am the only alumni there currently....
Its been a tiring week, having stayed back to do work. I hope next week will be easier.....
31 Aug 2008 12:29am
Hey gal...i seriously think that you shld adopt a more positive mindset. u just join the company not long ago, definitely the bonding is not there as yet. give yourself more time...don't get too focused in making friends, instead focus on ur work...it's not good to keep switching jobs..besides, no job is perfect. if one aspect is good, then there is bound to be the not-so-good part...
cheer up!!! and remember be positive ya? :)
Thanks babe! You are right. That's why I am learning to be positive now. :) But of cos sometimes we will forget and let the negative take over for a while....
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