I was out running earlier.
I thought the rain had stopped so I went for the run even though there was a teeny weeny drizzle but I thought it would stop. It didn't and got heavier when I was like 3/4 of the way. As I was trying to rush back, I was stopped by a commotion outside the primary school near my place, along the sheltered pathway. There is actually a construction going on at the school and a huge construction vehicle (those long lorries that transport construction vehicles like forklifts and cranes) was trying to reverse into the site but ended up blocking the entire road. I was soaking wet and with the passer-bys and the super long vehicle blocking the way, I couldn't pass through so I just stood there and wait while the contruction workers figure out how to get the driver to manoeuver the truck in.
And then, a bespectacled guy who was standing next to me and saw that I was soaked through, offered me a pack of tissue and showed a gesture to wipe my wet face. I was surprised and turn him down at first but he insisted so I accepted the kind offer. So we just stood there and watched the entire drama where the super long vehicle struggled to reverse in with all the other motorists blaring their horns impatiently. All this while, I know this guy was looking over at me but I didn't really looked at him. Guess I was a bit embarrassed being soaked in my sports singlet and shorts. When the road was cleared, all the passer-bys who were standing on either side of the long truck started walking pass the truck. I turned around and thanked him for the tissue. He smiled and I ran back home. What surprised me in this incident was that the guy bothered to offer me tissue paper after seeing that I got wet in the rain. I mean, many singaporeans are not that kind or helpful even when they see someone could need some assistance. I was running so of cos I would be sweaty and with the rain, it made things worse as I got wet all over. Any one who saw me would think its ok or jus simply ignore me. I just wonder what made that guy to bother to offer me tissue paper. Everyone was just standing around, watching and waiting for the road drama to be over and then head on their way. Would anyone bother to see who was standing beside him and see whether he needs help? But I guess he is one of those helpful ones who don't mind lending a hand when he sees one.

Thank you Stranger!
3 Sept 2008 9:55pm
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