This new year has been tiring......I have not catch up on my sleep yet....
I dislike the visiting part. As usual, my grandma and aunties will ask me the same question year after year on why I have no boyfriend and whether I am seeing anyone....arrggh...think next year I should go holiday and stay away from chinese new year!
I think I have drinking too much lately...went drinking again last
night at New Asia Bar at Swissotel the Stamford (erm..i think the hotel has changed its name?). Anyway its located on the 70th floor.....the view was magnificent! You can almost see the whole of singapore up there!
3rd day of CNY was nothing much. Went to a fren's place for visiting and then met xh at plaza sing for dinner. He was telling me that when you live your life in the same routine for too long, it gets really mundane. Example, go to work, finish work, go home, have dinner, watch tv and sleep, same thing the next day. Weekend go out with friends...blah blah...its like everything is moving along in a straight line....boring. If we were to work overseas, we can all see things in a totally different view, do things in a totally new learn and observe more.... I think I need a change, or at least, find something that I really like to do. Grab the chance once I find it....
On my way home, I met an old friend on the train. We used to work together during my days as a waitress after "O" levels. He is doing well in a sales job that pays reasonably well even though he did not finish secondary school. He also told me that he is getting married soon and his wife-to-be used to be his client and holds a high position at a mnc. I was quite interested by this point as my friend is quite an ah-beng (he is not so ah-beng now, still a bit but looks professional) and his wife is a modern-day career woman. He told me there were difficult days when things didn't go well but what held them together was the support they gave each other when either of them met an obstacle and a listening ear when either one is feeling down. I was quite inspired by his story. A lot of their friends didn't expect them to go on strong that long. The reality of having a partner who is much higher educated can be intimidating at times but in a relationship and even in reality, you don't measure a person's love or worth by how much education he or she has, but its the character that is more important.
Lately my acne is working up again. Ever since I started my new job, I have been wearing make-up to work everyday and I guess the make-up irritates my skin. Sigh...looks a bit bad now. I hope I don't have to go back to the doctor and get another round of injection. Imagine a needle poking into your red and swollen hurts :( More water and rest?

Enjoy your remaining new year.....
10 Feb 2008 12.10am
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