Met Ed for a drink last night after my reunion dinner. On the way out, sy smsed me saying mery also wanted to meet for a drink. I didn't want to contact him but somehow he knew that I am going for a drink and called me. I smsed Ed that mery and cris will join us and he wasn't so thrilled with the idea........
Ed and I reached town first and we headed to The Balcony at Heeren. It wasn't crowded at all. Ed went to say hi to some of his ex-colleagues as he used to work there. We ordered our drinks and catched up with each other. We have not really chat for a long time as he was very busy with the concert. Seeing that I was not feeling that good lately, he asked wat was going on with me. After a while, cris, mery and merv arrived. We finished our drink and left to meet sy, sen and jos after their movie ended. Cher also came. We walked down to emerald hill. Mery wanted to go to ice cold beer but we couldn't go in as they didn't meet the age requirements (guys have to be 25 and above). So we went next door to No. 5. There was another fren of cris, S, who came to join us. And he really pissed me off towards the later part of the drinking session. Anyway all of us went to No. 5, ordered our drinks and had fun drinking and chatting. se and jos made a move earlier so left me, cher, sy and ed and mery and gang. cris's fren, S, got quite drunk after the drinks and started talking funny . At first it was ok cos he was funny. But after we left the place, he started spouting nonsense non-stop and it really irritated us. It was already 3am and cher was quite high already. Mery asked whether I want to go home already cos he still want us to continue drinking with them elsewhere. sy and I wanted to send cher home but mery and gang still want to continue to drink and somehow drag all of us along. I could have left but I didn't want to leave cher and sy behind, especially cher as she was getting drunk. Ed also had no choice as mery dragged him along as well. I had an argument with mery and gang cos they were so persistent in bringing cher with them, knowing she was getting high. sy told me to calm down and Ed told me not to worry, just one more drink and we will leave. We went back to Balcony and on the way there, Ed told me a startling news and it got me wary on one of the guys. All the more made me want to stay and watch out for cher.
At Balcony, cris' fren, S, got more irritating and started talking rubbish, offending me and sy and even the bouncer at the pub. He was knocking glasses over and got my phone wet. Luckily my phone was ok and S asked me whether I was pissed off. I said yes and told him shut up. He really pissed us off and made me angry. He's the kind of guy who cannot stop talking nosense when drunk and yet do not know that he is offending people. He should just shut his trap.
Anyway we ignored him and Ed and I continued our conversation that got interrupted earlier with all this crap. We left at about 5 plus and sy and I sent cher home. So tired when I got ho
Went visiting in the afternoon and I was so sleepy. I was practically stoning the whole day. Headed to the temple first but I didn't went in to pray. After that, we went to my grandma's place and then to my aunt's place.
Every year, we will eat dinner at my aunt's place and she will never fail to cook her best dish, salted vegetables with duck soup. Its really sour and salty but that's what makes it nice. Very delicious and you must eat it with sambal belachan. She added brandy into the soup this year, making it extra nice. Its the third dish, at the back in the picture on the left. There was also stewed duck, stir-fry leeks with chicken, bamboo shoots, deep fried shitake mushrooms stuffed with meat, ngoh hiang and roast pork. Yummy....:) I love my aunt's pineapple tarts and kueh lapis too....I only get to taste it once a year. Its unlike those I have tasted from outside bakeries.
You know, I was thinking of doing some things for the new year ahead. Kind of like a new year resolution.....
- Stop Sighing....I think I have to be more positive and shoud try to sigh less...
- Try baking and cooking: I have always been interested in baking but need to spend money to get an oven first, which i am considering....not sure if my mum is ok with this idea. I can cook simple stuff and can follow recipes well. Maybe this year I should improve on it.....Hey, I got 1st in Home Economics in secondary school ok.......
- Regain my driving skills: need to elaborate on this right? haha....don't think I should waste over $1000 that I have spent on getting my licence.
Stayed at my aunt's place till very late today cos my dad played mahjong with my cousins. At least good to see that he enjoyed it and that he is still alert enough to play. Has been ages since he played mahjong. I had wanted to play with my friends but I was too tired....
I had brief fantasy thought today...haha....but i know it won't come true.
Have a Fantatic Chinese New Year!
8 Feb 2008 2.50am
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