Lj suddenly sme me on Monday, asking whether I want to catch this movie called "Away from Her" with him. He seldom asks me for movies so I thought why not.....the movie must be something to have caught his interest.
The movie is about a elderly couple (fiona and grant) who have been happily married for 44 years until the wife (fiona) suffered from Alzheimer's disease and to admit to a nursing home. She slowly loses her memory of her husband and fell in love with another patient (aubrey) at the home. There were several sad moments in the movie especially when Grant realised that Fiona likes someone else instead and couldn't remember much of their relationship. It was very hard for him to accept. Then aubrey's wife got him out of the nursing home to stay home instead and Fiona became very depressed as she couldn't see aubrey. Seeing Fiona deteriorating, Grant actually went to look for Aubrey's wife to persuade her to bring Aubrey back to the nursing home so that Fiona can see him. Grant rather see Fiona happy with Aubrey than to see her condition worsen. It was really selfless of Grant to do that. There was a scene where a nurse at the home asked Grant whether he rather be the one who stays at the home or the one who leaves the home. That is, whether he would choose to be inflicted with the disease or be the love one seeing the inflcited partner slowly going away......its sad but either choice will still be as painful. I'm not sure which role I would choose but for me, it is unbearable to see the one I love to forget what we once had before.....Yesterday I went to my financial planner's company for their career seminar talk. Nope, don't think I will ever go into this line. But as my planner seemed sincere to invite me, I just went there to listen. Sometimes, I don't understand why they choose this line which does not gurantee a stable income every month but they seem really happy with what they are doing. The emcee mentioned a phrase from Confucius that say something like "Find a job that you love and you will not need to work a single day". How true..I am still trying hard to find the job that I love......
Met wj for a while after the seminar. He has been in low spirits lately so I was trying to talk to him to move on and do some things for himself. My friend, please
pick yourself up. You should concentrate on your studies now and improve your well-being. Cheer up! :) Work is so boring these days....Have a good mid-week......

20 Feb 2008 9.46pm
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