You know, lately life is becoming boring.......that all the daily stuff seems rather repetitive. I know it all depends on how we look at things, that we can choose to make things work differently and that work don't have to be mundane. Its either you accept that work is rountine everyday and just go with the flow or do something different.
Or is life in Singapore just plain dull? I'm still thinking whether its me or whether singapore life is just overly hectic and all that stress doesn't enable me to enjoy life. The rising cost of living these days bothers me. I came across an article on saturday about singaporeans who live overseas for many years and do not wish to return home simply because life there is slower, job salary is higher, cost of living compared to singapore is lower and many other reasons. A few weeks ago I had a conversation with my galfriend and we were talking about working in Australia and the idea seems rather attractive to me. But then, I can't just leave my parents here and I'm sure they wouldn't want to leave. Reading that article about these Singaporeans who love their life outside Singapore left me feeling envious....the pasture might be greener on the other side. But I guess no matter where you are, its whether you enjoy what you are doing that will keep your heart here.
4 March 2008 10.30pm
I do meet my friends, go running or drop by at the gym, attend my weekly band practice and catch those movies that I want to watch. But then, its getting kind of boring. I don't shop very much because its an expensive hobby. Seeing all those new shopping malls sprouting up in Orchard Road is not helping..hmm....think I need more shoes....oopps! ** No cannot, bad girl!**
I thought of doing something different like visiting the art museum or take a walk at the zoo during the weekends but didn't quite seem to get to it or able to get friends with such similar interest to participate in such activities.
I have been thinking of reading my books again but because I read rather slow, it takes me a long time to finish one. Ok I try....

My boss sat me down today to discuss my performance appraisal for the past two months. Generally it was ok but when she asked me how I was doing, I wasn't sure what to say. I have a lot to tell her but I just told her I need more time to adjust to the new work environment as it is quite different to my previous job. Probably I should tell her what I really think of our work environment one of these days but because I need to go running, I kept the discussion short with her.
Remember I mention in my previous post that my conductor said I might have a problem with my ambitions? Well, I really need to think what I want to do.

4 March 2008 10.30pm
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