I didn't do much during this long Easter weekend. I am nursing a sore throat and is getting a bit better. I went to the gym on friday for bodycombat and told myself that I will try not to head to the gym on public holidays as it was quite crowded. Also, the pet peeves that I always encounter at the gym are getting to my nerves. I couldn't stand those people who would hog a machine for almost half an hour, forgetting there are other gymers who are waiting to use it as well. While I was waiting for the combat class to start, I wanted to use this particular ab machine but there was this inconsiderate guy who was hoarding it, doing hundreds of repetition, taking long pauses in between and even left his towel on the machine while he stroll over to the water cooler for a sip before resuming his exercise again. How irritating! In the end, I didn't get to use it and went for my class instead as it was starting soon. After the combat session ended, I came out of the studio and saw that someone is still using that ab machine. So I hanged around for a while and finally got to it.
Another pet peeve that I can't stand are those personal trainers who are training their clients. They would take it that they have priority over the equipments and hog them as well. I am also a paying member of the club and deserve equal treatment as them. There was an incident where I was waiting for a chest pump machine and as the guy was leaving, a trainer came over immediately with his client to use it. I was pissed off and told him I was already waiting there and would appreciate if I could have about ten minutes on it. Luckily this traniner was kind enough to let me use it. The trainer waited and I returned the gesture by signalling him over when I was done so that no one would use it.
The other thing that irks me is those disgusting women who leave their used towels on the bench in front of other users' locker. I got it before. Probably they think that as a paying club member, they expect the locker attendants to clean up after them so they don't bother to drop their used towels into the bin at the locker counter. The gym can be a really dirty place sometimes......eeww...
After gym, I met Ljun to window shop. He got a new job and wanted to get a windbreaker/sweater to wear in the office. He's quite a spender and usually plans what he wants to buy every month. I wish I can be like him...if my salary allows...but I still believe in saving for a rainy day. We went to Paragon and I saw a Bvlgari event at the main atrium. Reminded me of my old job.....sigh...
I just finished watching season 2 of Heroes and I am definitely hooked on it! I love Milo Ventimiglia (he acts as Peter Petrelli in the series)! So gorgeous and has one of the most powerful abilities among the characters. I find some of the quotes in the show rather meaningful and thought-provoking. Can't wait to see what happens to them....sometimes I wish the haitian could come and erase all the unhappy thoughts in my head.
Another work week tomorrow. Not looking forward to it but I guess the only consolation I get is that my boss will be on leave tomorrow. I wonder what will happen this week....
You left. You left. All You have are your nightmares.23 March 2008 7.22pm
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