The past week has been tumultous. My boss has been really stupid and took over a responsibility to my dept when that tyrant (the new director that I mentioned earlier who called me a girl) sent an email directing my dept that we should take over this particular task. To show that our dept is being kind and is alright with taking over this responsibility that is rightfully theirs, she replied the email and said ok (my GM was copied into the email, thinking this will show that the tyrant is being irresponsible by pushing their job scope onto others). My colleagues and I know that she don't mind the new job because she is not the one doing it! Being the selfish person that she is, she will not lift a finger to help us. She did not even bother to stand up for us and march to the GM office to have a talk with him about the situatuion. She is useless!! I heard more horror stories about my boss this week from my other colleagues and these reasons were why my predecessor left. That new director tyrant has been going around instructing what the other depts should do and left left many of the other dept directors fuming as they feel that he has no right to dictate how they should manage their own dept. I should be confirmed this week regarding my employment contract but my boss gave the usual excuse that she is very busy and has no time to look into my confirmation.....she will regret this. I have been busy for the past few days in overseeing and liasing the production of a marketing collateral. After sitting though with my GM over the layout and he agreed to it, my boss wanted to change it. Sigh...really wasted my effort....
I have been staying home for the past few weekends....things are more expensive these days and so it is costly to go out. I have to think through whether this movie is worth watching before spending that 10 bucks on it (You guys know that GV has followed Cathay in increasing ticket price to $10 for weekends?) And even if I choose to watch on weekday nights, it might not be possible due to work, tiredness, go runnning or other things.....Eating out is also expensive, ktv is also expensive...sigh...don't know what is there left to do....Although my salary is reasonably ok, after deducting allowance to my parents and personal bills, I'm not left that much. I'm really feeling the pinch now. Have to be careful with what I spent and save more. But of course, I will spend on stuff that I think are necessary. With careful planning, I think we can still indulge in some little luxuries.... : )
I was looking through my friend, Gerry's friendster profile and he wrote some passages which I think speaks for every relationship out there. He wrote
"Woman's biggest mistake in a r/s is to give up communicating her needs and to start doing everything by herself end up wrongly assuming her partner does not care to help or participate in the r/s" Only way to solve this, is to accepting and understanding each other's differences with love, then we become more of who we truely are -to be loving and caring to each other.
Do you know how to sustain the passion in your relationship? When partners are able to keep their differences alive through loving and respecting each other and if a man and woman become too similar they lose the attraction or chemistry. It is boring to be with somone who is like yourself. To maintain passion in a r/s, we must work to preserve our differences while gradually accept the qualities of our partners by loving and respecting our differences then we gain balance. Secondly, do new things together! Try to come up with new ideas for each other to keep a r/s alive!
There was one day, baby asks me, "What is Love?"I said, "in order to answer your question, go to the corn field and choose the biggest corn that you see and come back to me. But these is a catch: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick."Baby went to the field and goes to the 1st row, where she saw one big corn, but she wonders to herself... maybe there is a bigger one ahead. Walking forward and true to her thoughts she saw a bigger one. However she did not pick it, but thought to herself again: "Maybe there will be an even bigger one waiting for her."Later, when she had walked through more than half of the corn field, she started to realize that the corn was not as big as the previous ones she saw, and she knows that she has missed the biggest one, and she regretted it!!!So, she ended up coming back to me with empty hands.I told her, " .. this is love.. you keep looking for a better one, but when later you realized it, you have already miss the person..." - In Love One must always cherish those that one already possesses. "
I think I am guilty of the first part. Maybe I didn't communicate enough in my previous relationship. I have learnt that communication is very important and I must make my feelings and thoughts known in the first place to the other partner and also, not assume anything from him. I also learnt that we should be who we are and learn to accept the differences that two persons will have. We have to accept the character of that person and the differences that both parties have and work towards maintaining a loving and meaningful relationship. I guess its true that two persons who are similar might lose the chemistry in the relationship. Like they say, opposites attract. I forgot the part about doing new things together! That is so helpful in maintaning a relationship. Always treasure what you have.....Thanks Gerry!
With all these recent happenings, I am more determined to achieve the things that I want. I want to be happy.
Searching for the light at the end of the tunnel.....
29 March 2008 6.52pm
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Finding the light at the end of the tunnel
Posted by Shirz at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: relationship, work life
Monday, March 24, 2008
Am I naive or just blur or freaky?

"This is not an easy moment for all you delicate souls, but faith in the future will now definitely see you through. In fact , a few confident actions will impress other people and might even inspire someone to make you a bold offer."

24 Mar 2008 9:36pm
Posted by Shirz at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Pet Peeves
I didn't do much during this long Easter weekend. I am nursing a sore throat and is getting a bit better. I went to the gym on friday for bodycombat and told myself that I will try not to head to the gym on public holidays as it was quite crowded. Also, the pet peeves that I always encounter at the gym are getting to my nerves. I couldn't stand those people who would hog a machine for almost half an hour, forgetting there are other gymers who are waiting to use it as well. While I was waiting for the combat class to start, I wanted to use this particular ab machine but there was this inconsiderate guy who was hoarding it, doing hundreds of repetition, taking long pauses in between and even left his towel on the machine while he stroll over to the water cooler for a sip before resuming his exercise again. How irritating! In the end, I didn't get to use it and went for my class instead as it was starting soon. After the combat session ended, I came out of the studio and saw that someone is still using that ab machine. So I hanged around for a while and finally got to it.
I just finished watching season 2 of Heroes and I am definitely hooked on it! I love Milo Ventimiglia (he acts as Peter Petrelli in the series)! So gorgeous and has one of the most powerful abilities among the characters. I find some of the quotes in the show rather meaningful and thought-provoking. Can't wait to see what happens to them....sometimes I wish the haitian could come and erase all the unhappy thoughts in my head.
Posted by Shirz at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Fighting On....
Remember in my last post that this new director from another dept shot back at me by replying to everyone in an email (including an external party who is the original recipient of the email) that the information I provided is not correct? Well, the next morning I sent an email to him and cc the same group of people invloved that I acted on the information as given from his dept. I also attached the information they gave and requested them to update accordingly in a polite manner. And guess what he replied to everyone? Only a single line, no hello and no thank you and this single line that he typed read "Can someone help this girl?". And that was it.
Posted by Shirz at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: work life
Monday, March 17, 2008
A Wrong Match?

Posted by Shirz at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: work life
Saturday, March 15, 2008
A Short Day

This could be good.......
15 march 2008 10.05pm
Posted by Shirz at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Posted by Shirz at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Ever so Restless.....

9 March 2008 6.44pm
Posted by Shirz at 5:43 PM 2 comments
Labels: Ordinary, Reel Feel, relationship
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
So where do you go?

4 March 2008 10.30pm
Posted by Shirz at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ordinary
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Soy veintisiete años

Posted by Shirz at 10:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ordinary