I have been thinking whether I am happy with the way I am right now.
Its been two years since I graduated from university. At that time, finding my first job was pressurising as I keep hearing news from my school friends of the high salaries that they are getting (that's because they got jobs in the financial sector and being a marketing major fresh grad, the pay is not that great in this area). Eventually I got a marketing executive job at a local company. The pay was not great. I had no choice but to settle for something as my job search had went on for months. Its been two years since I graduated and I'm in my fourth job now. I went down from a marketing exec to marketing assistant in my previous two jobs as I changed line. I didn't mind the "set back" as I took it as a stepping stone to work in the industry that I have always loved.
But things didn't work out. I started feeling fustrated in my work as I felt that I am not learning new skill sets. My job scope is simple, mundane and not challenging enough to earn me the experience that I need in a marketing career. So I left and went into a different industry (it is still a marketing position), thinking maybe the industry that I love is just a job, working in any industry is still a job at the end of the day. Of course, you must like what you are doing so that is why I still dwell in marketing. My friends told me that in building my career path, it is not wise to degrade in levels as you work through the years as employers will have doubts in your career goals, seeing that you are unclear in what you want. However, I am not happy with my current job. I thought this industry could also be challenging and interesting but I guess it is not my cup of tea.
I will be working for the next 30 years of my life and I think it is crucial to be happy in my job. Happiness transcends everything...I feel...So if I ever receive a job offer in the industry that I want but in a lower position, should I go for it? Well, why not? I will definitely suffer a cut in my salary. But having stumbling all over for the past two years, I think it wil be good for me to make a fresh start by starting from scratch. Anyway, in a recent conversation with a manager, he told me that I can still make a switch as it has not been that long since I graduated. I think I should live my life for myself and not live by others' expectations.
I am reflecting on this because after reading an article that I came across last week (Ignatius Low, Hitting Life's Reset Button, Lifestyle, The Sunday Times 13 Apr 08) I am afraid that I won't be happy with the way I have lived my life if my life ends suddenly.
Despite the pain in my right knee, I still went for my usual bodycombat class this morning (yes..I'm stubborn..). And after the session, I think I need to take it easy....at least for this week as the pain seem to have worsened. On a friend's recommendation, I headed to a chinese medical hall to buy this particular ointment which he claim cured his knee pain as well. Tjin Koo Lin, its called...I hope it works....: )

pain, pain, go away......
20 Apr 2008 8.59pm
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