Its has been an "eventful" week. As my boss is on leave this whole week till next thurs, I have been attending the morning meetings. So on wed morning, I attended the morning briefing. Everything went as usual.....the new nasty director (the one who has been mean to me) was taking a long time as usual, talking about his department updates until he suddenly made a comment at my department, looking at me and said that the postcard that was distributed for an outlet has outdated information and is of the incorrect size and was totally unlike what he has approved previously. I was immediately puzzled that he has the new postcards already so I just replied by asking him whether all these incorrect postcards are with him. Also, I reminded him that the artwork was approved by him, my asst GM and GM. He insisted the postcards are wrong and has collected them back. My GM just wanted us to make sure that these postcards are taken back and no longer in distribution. As the other directors took their turn to do their updates, I quickly smsed my colleague about the terrible situation that just happened. She replied me immediately that the postcards that the nasty director has are actually old ones! The new ones that were approved are still at the vendor being printed and packed! Instead of clarifying the situation with us, he chose to attack me at the meeting saying that the postcard is crap! (yes, he even used the words "crap things" to describe the incorrect info on the postcard) How rude and unnecessary! Another director was so mad at him for bringing out this matter that she helped to defend me and then walked out of the boardroom 'cos she was fuming. When it was finally my turn to present any updates, I explained to everyone that the nasty director's dept has circulated the old postcards and the new ones have not arrived yet. The nasty director pretend not to hear me and looked occupied in his documents. I was so angry after the meeting, including my colleagues as well. Things did not go well for us that day as this matter was followed by an extremely unfriendly and rude email from nasty director. We were infuriated even further! Later that day, I learnt from my colleague that she had a bad dream the previous night. She dreamt that my boss has ordered the three of us to go to her place to pick up a document file and bring it to my GM as she is away on leave. We went to her place and saw a huge antique cupboard. When we opened it, there were rows and rows of archived files and then we took the one we needed. My colleague continued saying I was the one who mentioned that we should get back to work and then I tried to close the cupboard. But the doors wouldn't close and suddenly, we were surrounded by "spirits". My colleague woke up immediately after that and could even remember those faces. She consulted a friend who knows something about interpretation of dreams and said that a dream like this would refer to "bad people at work" (in chinese, it means something like 小人在做怪). I was spooked when I heard this as things were really not smooth-going for us lately. And I was attacked by the nasty director that morning after my colleague had that dream the night before. Really unlucky....
Yesterday, I had menstrual cramps and took a day's mc to rest. And I had a wierd dream last night. I dreamt there was a snake in my room and it crawled to the top of my old wardrobe (by the way, my current wardrobe is built in to the wall. The wardrobe I saw in my dreams was my old cupboard from a long time ago...). Dreaming about a snake does not seem to be an auspicious sign. Hmm...I think the fengshui in my office is quite bad because my colleagues and I face a lot of problems at work. And there are the wierd dreams that me and my colleague had...
We cleared out a lot of unwanted stuff in the office today and it looks less cluttered now. Still lots of work to do and I hope to clear most of them next monday. After work, I went to meet jy as she has an extra invitation to an Onistuka Tiger S/S 2008 fashion show at Zouk. Its a popular brand of Japanese streetwear and sneakers. I met her colleagues as well and they were a rather fun and humourous bunch of people, especially this guy who seems to be the joker of the group. We waited a long while to get in and waited..... again for the show to start. In between we took some nice pictures and I was entertained by her colleagues' funny antics. Sometimes, I find these fashion events a bit of a drag as there is always a long queue to get in and the fashion show always starts late. But then again, what's new....
12 April 2008 2:06am
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