My babe sandra made me do this quiz 'cos i was tagged in her blog.....and because it will take me ages to complete the quiz in chinese..I shall answer in English first...sorry sandra....can? haha....I will translate to chinese when I have the goes....
Erm.....I didn't really have an exact ambition but i did dream about being a beauty pagent queen...haha...I know...I do not have the requirements to be one but it was for fun. :)
Hmm....I would have to say when I got together with my ex-boyfriend. Yes, although we are not together anymore but I will still remember the happy memories always. We have not keep in touch with each other since but I hope he is doing fine.
I guess its for the job that I really love. I don't mind putting in sweat and tears and forgetting meals to get the job done and at the end of it, receive a sense of satisfaction that is well-worth.
You have a really sad life. You are the most selfish person I have ever met. Wake up and go think about it!
Hmm.....New York and Spain? I would like to visit Ground Zero at New York City where the twin towers got hit and collasped in 2000. I feel that the world has changed to what it is today was due to that fateful event. As for Spain, I like the spanish language and actually learnt the basics of it. I hope to continue to master the language when I have the chance and vist Spain so that I can easily converse with the people there!
My bad-temper.......and being pessimistic.....
As I am pessimistic, I tend to just moped around and sulk when unhappy things happen but I have learnt to try to take things easy and deal with it....Not all the time but I always try harder to be optimistic.
I dreamt that my mum left us and went to another an accident...
I think it would be promotion to a senior executive level and getting a salary amount where I can comfortably support myself and my parents. The other one would be married to the love of my love and have a nice home of our own.
Try to know this person as much as I could to get to know him better and grab every opportunity to be with him. :)
Get a marcom job in the fashion retail line. This is the industry where I want to build up my carrer and will not make another mistake again!
Just show me that you really love me and I must be able to feel your love. Give me security and assurance and I will be true to you always.
Erm...not attached now...but if I have a bf, I would like that the both of us cook a nice meal together and enjoy it. :)
Someone who is inconsiderate and disrecpectful. Also people who don't communicate directly with me whenever he or she is not happy with something also irks me.
Eh.....when I am facing situations where I do not know very much of the matter at hand and had to actually show that I know what I am doing but looked totally lost in it.
Just be there for him in good times and bad times.....especially bad times.....
Indecisiveness? But I think I am also one....haha
I like that I am a responsible person and also a good listener.
19.如果能够让你卸下工作,抛开学习,给你自己放一整天的假,你会...learn something that I do not know how to do which are cycling, rollerblading and getting my driving skills back!
Learn to take things easy.....I guess....
点 名:Anyone who saw this post must do it in their blog...haha.....
4 Apr 2008 10.42pm