I spent the whole evening yesterday watching movies on TV, Superman Returns and Love Actually. I have watched Superman Returns at the cinema when it was released a few years back but never seen Love Actually. I love it. "Love actually is all around". How true it is.....or is it? I think I am surrounded by friends and family who love me. I am just lacking in love from the opposite sex. Alhough as much as I yearn to be in love, I am also afraid of the pain. One of the characters in Love Actually chose not to express his love for the woman he loves up till she married his best buddy. And when the girl found out, he said it was a way of self-preservation for not telling her how he felt. I wonder if it is better to be in love and feel the pain and agony of loving someone who also loves you or is it better to be loveless and be free of any pain and sufffering? Well, the guy did express his love to the girl (in messages written on cards!) in the end and got a kiss back from her. After that, he said to himself "enough now. enough". I wonder what he meant by that. Expressing his feelings to the girl so that she knows is enough for him? I guess so. At least he will not regret one day for not telling her.
My company had a christmas party event last thursday and it was the second last event of the year for us. Setup in the afternoon was tiring, having to pack 200 bags of goodies. The temp staff we got was terrible as he kept complaining that he is sick, can't work. I gave a good earful. If he is sick, he should not come to work as i think it is not worth it for him to tire himself out when he is sick. If he wants to stay to work, then he need to stop complaining. That is the right attitude. But he continued to be whiny, unhelpful, unenthusiastic and slow throughout the whole night and I decided not to engage him anymore for future events.Even though he related to my colleague that he is jobless and has a family to provide for and she felt bad for telling him off, I still felt that his work attitude sucks. Every person in this world has difficultites in their lives. If you can't help yourself, no one can help you. If this temp staff actually has a good work attitude then people will want to engage him for more job assignments and he will have income for his family. I really wonder why a man of his age didn't think of that. The event went ok...I think...although the printer made a hiccup with our poster and the giving out of the goodie bag was quite chaotic. But at every event, I learnt something new. Hopefully I will remember what I learnt and not repeat any mistakes. I must not.
Saturday was the last event of the year which I was helping for my colleague. The venue was cosy but quite out of place for some guests. After that hanged out with teow and A. We caught The Day the Earth Stood Still. Sad to say it was not that fantastic. The plot is good but I feel that the whole movie did not develope the story enough to create any depth.The highlight was when he told me I looked great that night. :)
15 Dec 2008 11:24pm
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