I have known this group of poly band friends for a long time and I often miss the days we had back in poly. The time we spent together during practices bonded us. There was once we practiced outside foodcourt 3 and my conductor, tt, took us for symphonic overture. Our ending part drew the attention of some passer-bys and they actually stopped in their path to listen to us and applauded our rousing end. I love it when people like the sound that my band have practiced hard for. My clicks was a large group and we always head to clementi central after band practice to have supper and to chat and gossip at the coffee shop next to the bus interchange. I miss the outings we had like supper at geylang (Teowchew Muay and Tau Huay...the empty bowls of porridge will be stacked high on the table), movie gatherings, concerts, performances, christmas and CNY gatherings, band camps, overseas band trips (how I miss Sydney!) and the endless banter of jokes and conversations.....sigh...but as time goes by, everybody just drift apart as each of us got busy and involved in other things. Some of them went overseas to study and the rest of us are just busy with work and other stuff. Among us, I am of the few who is still playing. Lately I feel that my group has fewer meet ups with each other and we talk less. Our group has dwindled over the years but this is not unexpected. I wonder if we are still as close as before but I guess we probably know each other well enough that we don't need much updating or chats to know what is going on in each others' lives. At the very least, I still care about them and appreciate the little things that we do for each other. I do hope I can visit teow and wl in melbourne with jy and zz next month..haha....
26 May 2008 9:57am
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